Much Ado About Base, Coinbase's Blockchain

Much Ado About Base, Coinbase's Blockchain


Since its inception in 2012, Coinbase has been a leading name among cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide. Its recent dive into Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVMs) and Layer 2 technologies with the introduction of "Base" has generated considerable excitement and discussion within the crypto community. In this article, we will explore what Base is, its development, the current state of its ecosystem, and the challenges it faces. 

What is Base? 

Base represents Coinbase's ambitious expansion into scaling solutions beyond its traditional roles as an exchange platform and venture capital firm. Designed as a foundational Layer 2, Base aims to tackle some of the most pressing challenges that current networks face, such as scalability, speed, and developer accessibility. Notably, Coinbase has designed Base with innovative features like sharding. This technique partitions the network into smaller, more manageable segments, aiming to significantly increase transaction throughput without compromising the integrity and security of the blockchain.

Base’s Uniqueness in the Layer 2 Sector  

One key distinction of Base compared to other scaling solutions is its focus on enhancing the developer experience. Coinbase understands the importance of empowering developers to build innovative decentralized applications easily. To that end, Base offers a suite of developer tools, documentation, and support services, aiming to lower the barriers to entry and foster the creation of a vibrant ecosystem of decentralized applications.

The announcement of Base has generated considerable excitement and speculation within the crypto community. However, it has also ignited debates and skepticism, particularly around issues of centralization and corporate influence. Given that Coinbase started the project, critics are concerned about whether Base can truly achieve decentralization or if it will remain under the influence of its corporate parent.

Tokens on Base

Some renowned projects, including USDC, DAI, and AXELAR, are moving their tokens to Base to increase their liquidity and presence on this scaling solution. We expect to see an increasing number of projects make this move soon. 

Challenges of Base

There are several challenges that Base needs to overcome before it can become a widely used scaling solution. For instance, the primary category of projects migrating to Base consists of meme coins at this stage. While these contribute to activity on the network, meme coins typically do not lead to significant innovations or advancements in the space.

Furthermore, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications are currently adopting Base at a slow pace. Although there are some decentralized exchanges (DEXes) on Base, such as Aerodrome Finance and BSWAP, major decentralized platforms for lending and borrowing, such as Term Structure, and perpetual DEXes like Dydx, have not yet moved to Base. Indeed, Base's future as a solid, reputable blockchain like Binance Smart Chain largely depends on the level of support it receives from Coinbase, which is minimal at the moment.


As Base continues to evolve and gain traction, it has created some excitement and buzz. It has the potential to reshape the layer 2 sector and pave the way for a more scalable, interoperable, and developer-friendly decentralized future. While challenges and skepticism may arise along the way, Coinbase's vision and determination suggest that Base could indeed be much more than just another layer 2 —it could be a game-changer and another scaling solution to pay attention to.